Раскройте скобки.
1. When Mrs. Golan
(open) the door, her children
(do) their homework and her husband
(read) the newspaper.
2. What
(do) yesterday morning? I
(study) for an exam.
(arrive) to the meeting last Friday?
(paint) the walls when your mother
(come) home?
5. While Dan
(repair) the car, his sister
(work) in the garden.
6. They
(watch) television when the lights
(go) out.
7. While mother
(hang) up the clothes, her two daughters
(wash) the dishes.
8. Tom
(water) the flowers when it
(start) to rain.
9. She
(talk) on the phone when I
10. I
(read) a book when you
(call) me.
11. The children
(play) tennis when their grandmother
(come) to visit them.
12. When Mrs Smith
(enter) the room, her children
(listen) to the radio very loudly.
13. Ann
(sweep) the floor while John
(make) the beds.
14. The parents
(sleep) while the baby
(play) quietly in her bed.
15. When the teacher
(walk) into the room, the pupils
(make) a lot of noise.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. When Mrs. Golan  opened the door, her children  were doing their homework and her husband  was reading the newspaper.

2. What  were you  doing yesterday morning? — I  was studying for the exam.

3.  Did he  arrive at the meeting last Friday?

4.  Were they  painting the walls when your mother  came home?

5. While Dan  was repairing the car, his sister  was working in the garden.

6. They  were watching television when the lights  went out.

7. While mother  was hanging up the clothes, her two daughters  were washing the dishes.

8. Tom  was watering the flowers when it  started to rain.

9. She  was talking on the phone when I  arrived.

10. I  was reading a book when you  called me.

11. The children  were playing tennis when their grandmother  came to visit them.

12. When Mrs Smith  entered the room, her children  were listening to the radio very loudly.

13. Ann  was sweeping the floor while John  was making the beds.

14. The parents  were sleeping while the baby  was playing quietly in her bed.

15. When the teacher  walked into the room, the pupils  were making a lot of noise.

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