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1) The chilgren play in the park every day. 2) I usually watch TV in the evening. 3) She cleans her room. 4) We skate in winter. 5) My cousin brings me a puppy.


Ответ дал: vladikdog1


1)отр. the children doesnt play in the park every day вопр. does children play in the park every day?2)отр I usually dont watch TV in the evening вопр. does i usually watch TV in the evening3)отр. she doesnt cleans her room вопр does she cleans her room4)отр we dont skate in winer5)My cousin doesnt brings me a puppy вопр does my cousin brings me a puppy



Ответ дал: Veronikadiajiv


1)Do the children play in the park ever day?

The children do not play in the park every day.

2)Do I watch TV in the evening?

I do not watch TV in the evenind.

3)Does she clean her room?

She does not clen her room.

4)Do we skate in winter?

We do not skate in winter.

5)Does he bring me a puppy?

He does not bring me a puppy.

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