Change the sentences from active to passive. Remember ; only one passive construction is possible with these verbs

1. If you want, I'll dictate the address to you. 2. The customer repeated his request several times. 3. In his speech the lecturer mentioned some historic dates. 4. The council pointed out some shortcomings in the project. 5. The client explained his terms clearly. 6. Sally described all the details of the incident vividly. 7. The chief announced the good news to everybody's delight. 8. The lawyer suggested the new strategy. 9. She pointed out the mistake to us. 10. The, policeman repeated his orders several times. 11. You won't get lost. We'll describe all the directions thoroughly. 12. I'll point him out to you.


Ответ дал: satana66610


1) if you want, the address will be dictated to you.

2) request was repeated by the customer several times.

3) some historic dates were mentioned by the lecturer in the speech.

4) some shortcomings were pointed by the council in the project.

5) terms were explained by the client clearly.

6) all the details of the icsident were described by Sally vividly.

7) the good news was announced by the chief to everybody's delight.

8) the new strategy was suggested by the lawyer.

9) the mistake was pointed out to us.

10) orders were repeated by the policeman several times.

11) you won't get lost. all the directions will be described thoroughly.

12) he will be pointed out to you.

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