Даю 30 баллов... помогите, пожалуйста... смешанные времена



Ответ дал: assistant32


1. spent

2. what is your brother doing now?

3.will not write


5.will you go to the South next summer?

6. when I rang Mike yesterday, he still learned a poem

7. if you will not help me, l have not done this homework by 5 o clock tomorrow

8. went, did

9. shall not, watch

10. when I came to the station the train already have leaved

11. shall not

12. have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus

13. what did you buy at the shop yesterday?

14. if it will not rain tomorrow, we don't stay stay at home

15. when he will come tomorrow l still do my homework

16. look!my friends are playing football

17. have not reader

18. will you, she will come

19. does, no she doesn't

20. what have you done at 6 o clock yesterday?

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