2 Use the word in CAPITALS at the end of each
sentence to form an adjective that fits in the gap.
1 Are there any really .......... things to do in your town?
2 Do you enjoy activities like skateboarding or do you
think they're .......... ? BORE
3 Would you be .......... if someone offered to take you
to an art exhibition? EXCITE
4 Do you get .......... if your parents ask you to help out
in your free time? ANNOY
5 Would you like to go bungee jumping or do you think
it would be too ..........? FRIGHTEN
Do you like playing computer games or are you
of them? TIRE
Ask and answer the questions with a partner.​

lizap281881: Помогите
lizap281881: Пожалуйста


Ответ дал: tomik2605



lizap281881: Не понимаю!
tomik2605: I'm sorry
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