Ребята помогите срочно!!!! мне надо до завтра выучить большой топик вот этот:
I would like to speak about the means of transport, which tourists can use in London.

First of all, the Underground or Tube is the most popular transport in London. The tube has 275 stations in many different parts of the city and 12 lines. Tourists also like taking red double-decker buses. They are tall but they aren't very fast. Tourists can have a nice view of the city from the upper deck.

The next special transport is a black cab. Black cabs are taxis that have a lot of rooms for passengers and their luggage. Black cab drivers take a test of their knowledge of London.

When you visit Venice, don't miss a romantic trip on a gondola. It is a long, black, narrow boat. It can carry six passengers.

A tuk-tuk is the best way to get around Bangkok. It is a three-wheel, colourful and noisy taxi. It can use it for short trips.

In Tunisia people use camels as a means of transport .Camel riding is popular with tourists. Tourists can ride a camel in Sahara Desert.

My favourite transport is Moscow metro. I think it is very fast. The metro is also an attraction. People call it '' the Underground Palace'' because many stations are really beautiful with wonderful sculptures and mosaic ceilings.
Как мне сделать это быстро?


Ответ дал: devidkull

Ответ: попробуй перевести текст и к каждому предложению составить картинку в голове и запомни какая картинка к какому предложению и вспоминай картинки по очереди


Ответ дал: Akchalovtleuhan


прочитай стих много раз громко .И вставай утром пораньше и зоходи где холодно(не в холодильник) и читай стих громко

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