вы бы хотели оставаться дома, в пансионе или в обычной школе?Почему?
сделайте это задание плииииз 40 баллов​


1ntimka: Если ты довольна результатом, прошу, отметь мой ответ лучшим :3
1ntimka: *доволен
rom7kitom49: ок,спасибо
1ntimka: Спасибки )


Ответ дал: 1ntimka

I would like to attend regular school. First of all, I'm very sociable person, so stay alone at home would be not very good idea. Besides, unlike a boarding house I'd see my parents every day. More than that, I guess that regular school is the best educational institution for ordinary people. The only thing I don't like is the fact that people who studied in an ordinary school are perceived as weak and uneducated but it's a wrong point of view.

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