Помогите пожалуйста срочно!
Circle the correct answer.

Paula I ('ll/'m giing to) get ready for the party.

Kim Ok. I ('ll/'m giing to) finish of the preparations , if you like .

Paula What (will you/are you going to) do with those decorations ?

Kim I ('ll/'m going to) put them up near the door .

Paula I'm sure they ('ll/'s going to) look nice . I hipe everyone (will/'s going to) come .

Kim Don't worry . I expect there ('ll/are going to) be lost of people . Look at the food ! There (won's/'s going to) be too much .

Tom ('ll/'m going to) help to finish it all for you !


Ответ дал: pepperkoon


Paula: I'm going to get ready for the party.

Kim: Ok. I'll finish off the preparations, if you like.

Paula: What are you going to do with those decorations?

Kim: I'm going to put them up near the door.

Paula: I'm sure they'll look nice. I hope everyone will come.

Kim: Don't worry. I expect there'll be lots of people . Look at the food! There's going to be too much.

Tom: I'll help to finish it all for you!

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