сделайте пожалуйста английский язык!!!!!!!!!!!​



Ответ дал: VikaKl14

Ответ:Если здесь время не обязательно а просто в обычном то вроде так:

1)I am not pay attention during the presentation.2)Is Brian talk during the lesson?3)We aren't cook when he walked in the door.4)Is Tim study while they were studying French?5) They are discuss the issue when she telephoned.6)Are they work in the garden when you arrived?7)She is sleep so he entered to the room softly?8) They aren't take notes during the presentation, but paying attention to every word.9) я не знаю как.10)Sheila played the piano while he work on the computer (не уверена правильно ли)


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