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Задание 3,4



Ответ дал: juliatasley



1 - C (independence)

2 - D (confirmed)

3 - A (political)

4 - B (defence)

5 - C (establish)

6 - A (legislative)

7 - D (consists)

8 - A (judicial)


1. What country is Ukraine? Ukraine is a presidential representative democratic republic with a multiparty system.

2. When was the independence of Ukraine proclaimed? Ukraine proclaimed it's independence on August 24, 1991.

3. Who was the first president of Ukraine? Leonid Kravchuk was the first president of Ukraine.

4. What tasks did Ukraine face after the independence was proclaimed? Ukraine faced a lot of tasks, such as building a new system of national security, statehood principles, political system.

5. When was the Ukrainian constitution adopted? It was adopted in 1996.

6. What is the main task of our state? According to the Constitution it is to defend and promote human rights and freedoms.

7. What brunches is state power divided to? State power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches.

8. What is the state language of Ukraine? The state language of Ukraine is Ukrainian.

9. What does the President guarantee? The President is a guarantor of civil and human rights and freedoms, sovereignty, territorial integrity, adherence to the Constitution.

10. How are deputies elected to Verkhovna Rada? Ukrainian citizens elect deputies every 5 years.

11. What parties are there in Ukraine? There are the Green Party, Christian-Democratic party, Socialist party, For Life party and others.

12. What do they reflect? Ukrainian parties reflect different European traditions.

13. How are special groups of deputies named? They are named factions.

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