переведите пожалуйста(только 7 номер!!)



Ответ дал: Lomastir

Ответ:тебе когда нить напишут)


Ответ дал: azazazoaz
1. I have not been to any party since classes began at the university. 2. She had red eyes since she cried for an hour. 3. He will leave Moscow when the contract is signed. When you called, the job was just finished. 5. I was wondering if he would take part in the competitions. When was the doctor sent? They sent for him a few minutes ago. 7. A friend of mine told me that on the closest day off he would put on an exhibit, if he didn’t do anything 6. hell. I was very busy when you called me yesterday. I was preparing for the exam in English 8. language. 9. Yesterday there was heavy rain. I got wet through, always hiding from the rain in the shops. 10. An unfamiliar man stopped me on the street and asked how much time is now.
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