Написать письмо другу ответив на три вопроса: Please write and tell me about your school holidays in Russia. How many holidays are there? How long are they? Which are you favourite holidays and why?


Ответ дал: rkalinicheva


the UK


Dear Sam,

I’m glad to receive your last letter! Sorry I haven’t written earlier, I was busy with my school.

There are four school holidays in Russia. In autumn, winter, spring and summer. The longest are in summer, it lasts three months, then we have winter holidays, it lasts two weeks. Spring and autumn holidays last for one week only. My favorite holidays are summer holidays. We have a lot of free time, it’s warm in summer and most of the time i spend going for walks with my friends!

Sorry, I need to go, my mom is calling me. Drop me a letter as soon as you can.

Best wishes,

(твоё имя)

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