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Ответ дал: ToniChezzy



У меня зрение плохое, картинку лучше можно?

Аноним: ок 5️⃣ put the verbs on brackets into correct form, past simple or past continuous 1.the lizard man quickly (jump) onto the roof and (try) to get into car. 2 last year, we (write) a composition in English once a week. 3. I (watch) tv when I (fall) sleep. 4. (you/be) excited when you (hear) the news? 5. Sean (not drive) too fast when he (have) the accident.
Аноним: 6️⃣ Find the extra world in each sentence and write it on the line. 1. I was used to believe that a monster lived under my bed! 2. Sindy would always to sleep with the light on. 3 Harry did never used to enjoy mystery stories. 4. Were you being scared of spiders when you were very young ? 5. my grandfather would thought me how to do card tricks. 6 Did Alicia were use to believe in UFOs?
Аноним: 7️⃣. put the verbs in brackets into correct form, present simple, continuous, past simple or continuous. UFOs We (do) a project on mysteries at school at the moment, and some of stories (be) extremely weird For example, a few years ago over a hundred children (play) in the playground at their school in France when a UFO suddenly (appear) in the sky above them. Their teachers (see) it too. It (be) big and round and (have) lots of lights and windows.
Аноним: After about ten minutes, it suddenly (fly) away. Generally I (not believe) in things like UFOs, but I (think) its difficult to explain incidents like that.
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