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Ответ дал: srdfx


есть дополнительная информация из упражнения? Судя по условию там у Марты есть вопросы

sidorovalyusya: Dear Sam, I was delighted to hear that you've got into university! You must write and tell me how you get on! Thank you for offering to help with our holiday arrangements.
sidorovalyusya: Alex and I have been discussing our plans and have decided that we don't want to spend too much time in London and Oxford - we'd much rather get off the beaten track. We're both very keen to spend a week cycling in the New Forest. If it's not too much trouble, could you contact the guest house you mentioned and book us a twin room for a week from 24th August?
sidorovalyusya: Don't worry if you can't do it - I can call from here and practice my English! Some friends visited Cornwall last summer and urged us to surf there. I think they used a relative's surfboard, but could you check if you can hire a Board for the day? When I was studying in Britain, I never went to York Minster, and I really want to see It. I would appreciate it if you could find out about opening times and accommodation in the area.
sidorovalyusya: Perhaps you can also find out if there are other cathedrals in the area? Alex is keen to get to Scotland because she wants to visit Edinburgh. My mom's friend Doris still lives nearby, so can I ask you to call and ask if she'll give us a place to sleep?
sidorovalyusya: Her mobile phone number is 07602 340 823. Just one last favor:I'm trying to contact my landlady from Brighton, but she's moved out. Could you contact her son Adam Bradbury, who works at Bristol city hall, to find out where his mother now lives? I'm sorry to give you so much trouble. Best wishes, Martha.
sidorovalyusya: Вот был этот текст
sidorovalyusya: Может из него надо брать вопросы
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