Вставте слова.

1. Newspaper articles are less informative than news bulletins.
News bulletins are ... newspaper articles.

2. Theatre plays aren't as exciting as films.
Theatre plays are ... films.

3. I find football less satisfying than hockey.
I don't think football is ... hockey.

4. Fast and Furious is much more intriguing than its last parts.
The last parts of Fast and Furious are ... the first one.

5. Christmas shown in Home Alone was more unusual than in Love the Coopers.
Christmas shown in Love the Coopers is ... in Home Alone.

6. The book version of Harry Potter is more likeable than the film version.
The film version of Harry Potter is ... the book version.

7. Jim thinks that books are less monotonous than TV series.
Jim finds TV series ... books.


Ответ дал: nurkanaruzhan4


1. more informative than

2. less exciting than

3. more satisfying than

4. less intriguing than

5. less unusual than

6. less likeable than

7. more monotonous than

все остается, просто вставляешь это в предложение и все :)

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