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Например, I can't go out tonight btcause I ... am studying... (study) for maths exam. (слово tonight - сегодня вечером, когда мы говорим о планах на ближайшее будущее, то используем Present Continuous).
И еще нужно обьеснить почему present continuous или present simple

He ………….. (swim) well.

My Mum always …………………..(park) his car in the garage.

Two young boys ……………………………….(skate) in the park at the moment.

They …………………….. (come) to see us on Sunday

…… she …….. (enjoy) travelling around the world?

We usually ………………………….. (make) a cake on Sundays.

She always …………. (take) my books!

The Bowns ………….. (play) dominoes now.

My fiends ……………..(like) jigsaw puzzle.

Where ……. you ……….. (go) at the moment?


Ответ дал: egorlotov22


He swims well (Навык человека)

My mum always parks her car in the garage (привычка)

Two young boys are skating in the park at the moment (на данный момент)

They come to see us on Sunday (в Субботу)

Does she enjoy travelling around the world? (Ей понравилось или нет, чувства не могут быть в Present Continious)

We usually make a cake on Sundays (Привычка)

She always takes my books! (Привычка)

The Bowns are playing dominoes now. (сейчас играют)

My friends like jigsaw puzzle (это эмоция)

Where are you going at the moment? (сейчас)


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