помоооооогите пжпжпжпжпж СРОЧНООО!!!​
5 упражнение пжпжпжпжпж


Lincrafting: это?
ashat07ggg: да
ashat07ggg: спасибо большое
Lincrafting: это то же самое задание
ashat07ggg: ты меня просто спас
Lincrafting: я его уже решал
ashat07ggg: нет снизу 5
ashat07ggg: там и нужно решить
Lincrafting: Аааааа


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

Exercise 4

1. I WOULDN'T GO to see a film if it HAD bad reviews.

2. If I WERE a film director I WOULD make war films.

3. If the director HAD more money, he WOULD CHOOSE better actors.

4. You WOULDN'T like the story if it HAD a happy ending.

5. If I MET Liam Hemsworth, I WOULDN'T KNOW what to say to him.

Exercise 5

1. If the film had bad reviews, would I go to see it?

2. If I were a film director, would I make war films?

3. If the director had more money, would he choose better actors?

4. Would you like the story if it had a happy ending?

5. If I met Liam Hemsworth, would I know what to say to him?

ashat07ggg: спасибо тебе большое
Lincrafting: Рад помочь
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