передайте следующие предложения в
Passive Voice
1. A boy showed her the way
2. They will send us a bor of fruit,
3. The waves carries the boat away
4. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday
5. He has brought a lot of books,
6. She is making a cake,
z They were reading magazines
8. We often play football,
9. She watches TV every day
10. She'll buy a computer,​


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert




1. The way was shown to her by the boy.

2. A bor of fruit will be sold to us. (может здесь не bor, bag?)

3. The boat is carried away by the waves.

4. Nick was given a book for his birthday by Tom.

5. A lot of books have been brought by him.

6. A cake is being made by her.

7. Magazines were being read.

8. Football is often played by us.

9. The TV is watched by her every day.

10. A computer will be bought by her.

madinaa830: Здравствуйте, извините, что отвлекаю, но не могли бы вы мне помочь с английским?
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