найдите ошибки и исправтьте их.

Where are your parents? -They are sceing off their

friends. 2. These flowers are smelling quite nice. 3. Are you under-

standing this rule now? 4. It raius at the moment. 5. liking blark

coffee. 6. He is speaking thrge languages. 7. I think Mexico is a beau-

1iful eity. 8. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain. 9. We usuall

have lunch at one o'clock. 10. He is having a flat in the centre.

11. What are you thinking of Shakespeare? 12, I'm so dirty. I need a срочноооо надо.Пжжжжжж​


Ответ дал: Anon181818

Ответ:4. It’s raining at the moment


altygulakieva: а другиеее
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