Помогите, срочно!!! Там надо определить время это Present Simple или Present Continuous! Надо слова вставить слова с окончанием в пропуски, ну короче определить время и вставить слова с окончаниями подходящим время и, не знаю как обьяснить еще



Ответ дал: KsushaExpert




20. Tina is not eating cookies at the moment.

21. Are you receiving your email now?

22. Does Ben lose his keys every day?

23. Are they standing in the corridor now?

24. Is Kate wearing a nice dress today?

25. Are you singing a new song now?

26. Is she driving her car to work today?

27. Are they eating a cake at the moment?

28. Is Tina getting a lot of SMS today?

29. Is he skiing in the park at present?

30. Do you feed your pet every day?

31. Is Nick drinking coffee right now?

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