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Ответ дал: minmasha3


We got a drawing lesson at school.I want to shape.I moved my cup to another room.my best friend has changed.i have a he copies me.i finished my room.I do not know what formatting is.I will edit my photo.I saved photos.


I destroyed my dress.

I printed the paper .my dad has a hidden file.I ruined the hard drive.I don't know .I pressed the mouse button.I have access to any thing.I’m always looking for information on the Internet. I opened a chat. In real time, I eat. I don’t remember my email. My dad created a web site. My team is super. I am processing text. I am calculating math. I am using a personal computer. Log in to chat. I have yogurt. My network is not working. Please enter your username. I don’t remember the password. I have broken the communication system. My game has started.i am drawing.I shaped

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