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What you (do) when your mum (come) home?
She said she (already/do) her homework.
Tom (do) that task for 3 hours before he found the answer.
You (see) the accident last night?
I (not/hear) what you said. I (listen) to the radio too loudly.
We (be) very tired. We (work) since the morning.
The boys (play) while their mums (chat).


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 What were you doing.........came

2 had already done

3 had been doing

4 Did you see the accident...........

5 didn't hear.was listening

6 were,had been working

7 were playing,were chatting

Ответ дал: haykvardanyan0owxwlz

Ответ: 1.What you did when your mum came home?

2.She said she already does her homework.

3.Tom does that task for 3 hours before he found the answer.

4.You saw the accident last night.

5. I didn't hear what you said. I listened to the radio too loudly.

6.We were very tired. We worked since the morning.

последний не знаю


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