You are here
tum er rigut NEM
cross the road it's on the left/right
walk along (the road)
Excuse me, where is the bank, pleas
Walk along the road and turn left
Check your English
a) Complete sentences 1-4 with must or
mustn't and an appropriate verb.
b) Look at the map in exercise 6 and write
the instructions from You are here to the
train station.
Walk along the road...
In my country.
1 You ... a crash helmet when you ride
a motorbike
2 You ... in the cycle lane.
3 You .. at more than 60 kph in a city.
4 You ... when the traffic light is red.​


Ответ дал: zorbing


1. You must wear a crash helmet when you ride  a motorbike .

2. You must ride in the cycle lane.

3. You mustn't drive at more than 60 kph in a city.

4. You must stop when the traffic light is red.​

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