2. Put the verds in brackets into the Past Simple.

1. He ..... (to walk) in the park yesterday.

2. My parents ..... (to live) in the village many years ago.

3. I ..... (not to visit) my granny last summer.

4. ..... (you/to travel) last summer.
No, I .... . I ..... (to be) in Moscow.

5. ..... (your friend/to study) at school 2 years ago?

6. My brother ..... (not to listen) to music an hour ago.

7. .... (your mother/to cook) dinner yesterday?

8. The children ..... (not/to tidy) the room last week.

9. When .... (you/to finish) your test?

10. When .... (Jane/to rent) a DVD.

11. Where ..... (the boys/to play) football?

12. My mum ..... (not/to surf) the Net last weekend.


Ответ дал: Троеешник




3)didn't visit

4)Did you travel(?); didn't; was

5)Did your friend study

6)didn't listen

7)Did your mother cook

8)didn't tidy

9)did you finish

10)Jane rented

11)did the boys play

12)didn't surf


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