Перепишите следующие предложения. Выберите нужную форму глагола (Present, Past, Future Simple или Present, Past, Future Contin-uous).
1. Sally works/is working at the sales forecast at the moment.
2. I will give/will be giving you the figures as soon as I get them.
20 21
3. He made/was making some calls from his hotel room and ran up a large phone bill.
4. The shipment isn′t in yet, but the agent will phone/will be phoning us as soon as it arrives.
5. Where do/are you come/coming from? - I come/am coming from Thai- land.
6. I met/was meeting an old business colleague of mine while I travelled/ was travelling to London for a conference


Ответ дал: kosophia05


1.is working

2.will give


4.will phone

5.are you coming-am coming

6.met/was travelling


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