Fill in the graps with everyone/ everybody, everything or everywhere, and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Example- The meeting was a success ..Everything went (go) well.
1. ......(learn) a foreign language at this school.
2. The film is a box-office hit. ......(talk) about it.
3. We are going in holiday next week. ......( be) arranged.
5. On Friday afternoon ...... ( leave) the office early.
6. Mark is a very popular boy ......(like) him.
7. After the snow had fallen .....(be) white.
8. I’m glad we came to the beach .....(have) a wonderful time.
9. We wanted to go to a restaurant, but ......(be) full.
10. I dropped my bag and....(fall) out.
11. We can’t make the announcement until ......( arrive).

dinavk: Срочнооо


Ответ дал: plapla5002


1) Everyone learn

2) Everyone talk

3) Everything has been

5) everyone left

6) everyone like

7) everything became

8) everyone is having

9) everyone was

10) everything fell

11)everyone will arrive


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