Сделайте предложения отрицательными
и вопросительными.
1) We saw the film a week ago.
2) They went home by metro.
3) I played tennis last Saturday.
4) We got to the cinema twenty minutes ago.
5) She wrote the postcard last week.
6) They were in Moscow last month.


Ответ дал: ZuzaW


1) We didn't see the film a week ago.

Did you see the film a week ago?

2) They aren't go home by metro.

Are they go home by metro?

3) I didn't play tennis last Saturday.

Did you play tennis last Saturday?

4) We didn't get to the cinema twenty minutes ago.

Did you get to the cinema twenty minutes ago?

5) She didn't write the postcard last week.

Did she write the postcard last week?

6) They didn't be in Moscow last week.

Did they be in Moscow last week?

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