Пожалуйста помогите сделать . Без перевода .

3 . A .Complete the questions with the phrases in
the box:
Who invented ,Who earned, How many ,Who uses,
Which French, Which city, Who spends,
What country ,which painting, Which Caribbean.

1. __
makes the most films
every year?

the World Wide Web?

by van Gogh cost more
Sunflowers or Portrait of Dr Gachet?

4__country invented the
modern version of the dance called salsa?

5__ museum appears in the
novel The Da Vinci Code?

6__ more time outdoors.
people in New Zealand or people in Canada?

people visit the Eiffel
Tower every year?

8__the internet more:
Canadians or Americans?

9__$1 million for each
episode of The Big Bang Theory in 2014?

has the most famous
carnival every year?

B. Match answers a)-j) with questions 1-10 in
Exercise 3A.

a) the Louvre
b) Canadians
c) Portrait of Dr Gochet
d) Cuba
e) nearly seven million
f) Jim Parsons, for his role as Sheldon Cooper
g) Tim Berners-Lee
h) people in New Zealand
i) India
j) Rio de Janeiro​


Ответ дал: plasmaherobrine



1.which city

2.who invented

3.which painting

4.what country

5.which french

6.who spends

7.how many

8.who uses

9.who earned

10.which carribean

natashenkasleptsova: а второй номер?
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