Read the following sentences and decide which option opens the brackets correctly. 1. Suddenly she (see) a small white puppy. It (sit) at the door of her house. was seeing / sat saw / were sitting saw / was sitting saw / was sat 2. Children (swim) in the lake when a strange animal (jump) out of the water. was swimming / jumped swam / was jumping were swimming / jumped swam / was jumped 3. When Alan and Tom (see) the kitten, it (sleep). were seeing / was sleeping saw / were sleeping saw / was sleeping was seeing / slept 4. When Jack (go) to the swimming pool, he (see) his mum in the street. were going / was seeing went / was seeing went / were seeing was going / saw 5. I (draw) when my mother (call) me. was drawing / called drew / were called were drawing / called drew / was calling


Ответ дал: nunny

Read the following sentences and decide which option opens the brackets correctly.

1. Suddenly she (see) a small white puppy. It (sit) at the door of her house. was seeing / sat saw / were sitting saw / was sitting saw / was sat

2. Children (swim) in the lake when a strange animal (jump) out of the water. was swimming / jumped swam / was jumping were swimming / jumped swam / was jumped

3. When Alan and Tom (see) the kitten, it (sleep). were seeing / was sleeping saw / were sleeping saw / was sleeping was seeing / slept

4. When Jack (go) to the swimming pool, he (see) his mum in the street. were going / was seeing went / was seeing went / were seeing was going / saw

5. I (draw) when my mother (call) me. was drawing / called drew / were called were drawing / called drew / was calling

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