Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple
My wife normally __________ (work) at home, but she __________ (spend) this month in Italy.
Most days, Tom usually__________ (cycle) to work.
When________ the lesson __________ (start) today?
What’s your brother doing? He __________ (do) the crossword in the newspaper He __________ (do) it every day.
noI’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I__________ (play) very badly. I usually ______much better (play).
What’s she doing? — She __________ (mend) her husband’s socks. She always__________ them. (mend)
Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I __________ (use) it a lot, but I __________ (not / use) it now.
We __________ (not travel) by train very often.
She ______________ (be) particularly generous this week.
It _____________ (snow) right now. It’s beautiful! I ____________ (like) this weather.
Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple
The river___________ (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
You ___________ (always to complain) that waiters are rude!
I ___________ (walk) to school every day. I ___________ (take, not) the bus.
You ___________ (always to borrow) money!
That’s worrying because the number of people without job___________ (increase).
Robert is a vegetarian. He ___________ (eat, not) meat.
___________ (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
Holidays abroad ___________ (become) increasingly popular.
Are you in a hurry? — No, I ___________ (walk) quickly because I’m cold.
Where’s your father? — He ___________ (be) in the bathroom. He ___________ (shave).
только ответы
The neighbours forever___________ (slam) doors and___________ (shout) during the night.
My sister ___________ (to take) part in the competitions almost every weekend.​


Ответ дал: gordei88
1. Works
2. Is spending
3. Cycles
4. Does
5. Start
6. Is doing
7. Does
8. Play
9. Play
10. Is mending
11. Mends
12. Use
13. Am not using
14. Do not travel
15. Is
16. Is snowing
17. Like
18. Is following
19. Always complain
20. Walk
21. Do not take
22. Always borrow
23. Increase
24. Doesn’t eat
25. Do you cook
26. Becomes
27. Am walking
28. Is
29. Shaves
30. (не понял, что за слово)
31. Is shouting
32. Takes
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