СРОЧНООО 20 баллов
составьте рассказ о трёх вещах представляющих россию, 8-10 предложений и не сильно сложные​


Ответ дал: Liberast


Olympic bear

By the 1980 Olympics, a brutal Russian bear was transformed into a cute Soviet bear-athlete. The author of the famous drawing is Viktor Chizhikov, Illustrator of children's books and artist of the magazine "Murzilka"


Is a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside which there are similar dolls of smaller size. The number of nested dolls is usually three or more.

Russian vodka

Is the only alcoholic beverage in the world developed on the instructions of the Government. Alexander III instructed recognized scientists of the country to develop the technology of " ideal pure Russian vodka»


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