Помогите!!!!!!!! НУЖНО ПРОДО ЛЖЕНИЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ ПО ТЕКСТАМ! ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО!!!!!!!!! ПРОШУ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! УМОЛЯЮ !!!!!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: evgeniyskopin

Просто поставь вместо пропусков:

1. She turns to the leisure time activity.

2. Because it's a chance to meet new people.

3. Music.

4. They are uniting teenagers with the same interests and performers.

5. Leisure time activity.

6. Because he keens on things like computing, reading and watching videos during his leisure time.

7. They get off to a good start when another school week begins.

khvostalona200497: Пожалуйста помогите с переводом текста! https://znanija.com/task/34369832
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