Прошу помогите!!!!!!!
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
Last Saturday my boyfriend Jack and I (1) (decide) to go to the mountains for a walk because we(2) (not want) to spend another Saturday
with my family. We (3) (leave) early, but when we (4) (drive) there the car(5) (break down). Jack (6) (decide) to walk to the next village to phone for help.While I (7) (wait), my brother Sam
(8) (drive) past in his car. He (9) (stop) and he (10) (look) at the engine.


Ответ дал: lprnmr


1. decided. 2. didn't want. 3.are leaving. 4. are driving. 5. broke down. 6. decided. 7. am waiting. 8. drove. 9.stoped. 10. is looking

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