срочно дам 88 баллов нужно выписать все глаголы в прошедшем времени Man of steel
Blue uniform, red underpants, red boots, and a long, flowing red Cape. Tall, strong, invincible. Kind, smart, fair! Faster than a bullet! Much more powerful than a train! Can jump from building to building in one jump. This is Superman, our most favorite superhero!
Superman was created in 1933. His real "parents" were high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster from Cleveland, Ohio. Jerry and Joe were quite shy and unpopular at school, so they created a superhero to live a life full of fantasies with the help of him!
As they say, Superman came to us from the dying planet krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket to save him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. Two farmers found the boy, adopted him, and named him Clark. As Clark matured, he gained power from the Sun. By the time he was an adult, he could fly, has thermal vision, and can see through walls. From that moment on, he was Superman.
Superman is the symbol of the American dream. He is a person who makes every effort and achieves success. He is also a classic hero who fights criminals and saves the defenseless. He's the superhero we all know and love!

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Аноним: отдаю все баллы
Аноним: 88 балов срочно пожалуйстаааааа


Ответ дал: jccj7glkvk


was created, were high, they created, were quite, came, landed, called, adopted, named, matured, gained, was, he was.

Аноним: с пасибо олодой моловек
jccj7glkvk: пожалуйста
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