Study the key phrases. Decide whether each phrase is about the past, the present or the future. KEY PHRASES Writing a blog Here I am in my… We're going to stay… We had a … time. I'm going to go on an … next … This is me in my... ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!!НЕ НАДО ПЕРЕВОДИТЬ!!​


Ответ дал: nunny

Study the key phrases. Decide whether each phrase is about the past, the present or the future. KEY PHRASES

Writing a blog about the present

Here I am in my… about the past

We're going to stay… about the future

We had a … time. about the past

I'm going to go on an … next … about the future

This is me in my... about the past

hsjshaha: помогите пожалуйста мне по английсскому языку
nunny: Там тебе верно ответили, кроме 5) terrifing.
nunny: 5) terrifying.
hsjshaha: ну пожалуйста ответьте
hsjshaha: вы
sofiausenbaeva: пожалуйста
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