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"Как моя семья смотрит телевизор" (рассказ)

chabanovofficial6: 10 предложений


Ответ дал: Pikachooo


We all have different hobbies, but we all like watching TV. Every morning at breakfast we turn on the news channels. On cloudy days we prefer to stay at home and watch cartoons, family movies or a good comedy together. Parents forbid me to watch horror movies, but sometimes I manage to watch such films with them. My dad often watching hockey on TV, and he was very worried about the game. My mom likes to watch shows that's also a cooking competition, especially while she's cooking too. Most of all, I love TV detective series and “song contest” shows. Mom likes to watch the contests with me. We love to sing along to familiar songs, discuss and evaluate all the participants of the show. Sometimes TV is still working on the background while we are doing other things, such as cleaning or while I'm doing my homework.

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