2 Complete the sentences using have to/do(es)n't
have to and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
People (0) don't have to vote (not vote) in my country.
1 Frank (1) does not stay) at home tonight. He can
go to a party. But he (2) _
(be) home by
2 We (3)
(hurry) up to catch the train but we
(not take) a taxi. It's a short walk to the
3 Rebecca (5)
(not cook) dinner for her family
but sometimes she does it because she loves cooking,


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


1. Frank (1) does not have to stay at home tonight. He can  go to a party. But he (2) has to be at home by  midnight.

2. We (3)  have to hurry up to catch the train but we  do not have to take a taxi. It's a short walk to the  station.

3. Rebecca (5)  does not have to cook dinner for her family  but sometimes she does it because she loves cooking.


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