диалог по фотографию (продукты,цена) (4класс)срочно! помогите пожалуйста! заранее спасибо ​



Ответ дал: paulina6

Hello. Could I please have a packet of biscuts and a can of cola?

Of course! Here you are.

Thank you. How much is that bar of chocolate?

It's 1 pound and 10 pence.

Can I have the chocolate to?


How much do I need to pay?

Let's see, a can of cola, that is 50 pence, a packet of nicuts, that is 1 pound 10 pence, and a bar of chocolate, thats also 1 pound 10 pence. Altogether thats 2 pounds 70 pence.

Alright here you are 3 pounds.

And here you are 30 pence.

Thank ou! Goodbye!


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