Alexander Pushkin was a Pussian poet
2 The Fisherman and the Fish is a myth.
3 The Sherift is the Eari of Huntingdon.
4 Pobin Hood escaped to Sherwood Forest.
5 Aldar-Kosse gave Kazakhstan the
Karatau Mountains.
6 Burabai National Park is the Pean
of Kazakhstan
7 Two giants in the Altai Mountains were friends.
8 The dombra is a musical instrument.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 Alexander Pushkin was a Pussian poet - TRUE

2 The Fisherman and the Fish is a myth. -TRUE

3 The Sherift is the Eari of Huntingdon. -FALSE

(The Sheriff of Nottingham arrested Robert, the Earl of Huntingdon, on his wedding day.)

4 Pobin Hood escaped to Sherwood Forest. -TRUE

5 Aldar-Kosse gave Kazakhstan the  Karatau Mountains. - FALSE

( The Creator gave Kazakhstan the Karatau Mountains).

6 Burabai National Park is the Pean  of Kazakhstan. - TRUE

7 Two giants in the Altai Mountains were friends. FALSE - (Two giants in the Altai Mountains were brothers)

8 The dombra is a musical instrument.​ - TRUE

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