Present perfect .............



Ответ дал: YoonSeA


1 Winter has come.

2 The weather has been fine all week.

3 He has been ill for a week.

4 She can't show you the way there, she has never been there.

5 He has done his work.

6 I have not seen it yet.

7 The rain has stopped.

8 She has been living in England for three years.

9 I have been there several times.

10 We have been friends since childhood.

11 I have just come back after a good rest.

12 No wonder, she has had a bad car crash.

13 He has worked at the company for many years.

14 She has not been there before.

15 She has been out of work for six months.

16 He has sold over one million copies of his books.


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