составить пожалуйста, не большой текст на английском языке, про Минск, вы ну очень поможете) ​


Ответ дал: dashadogy


Minsk is the capital of Belarus, the administrative center of the Minsk region and the Minsk region, which are not part of, since it is an independent administrative-territorial unit with a special status. The largest transport hub, political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country.

Ответ дал: nastaivanik11
Without visiting Minsk it is incredibly difficult to imagine a vacation and tourism in Belarus. After all, there are so many attractions, interesting places and attractions that you can hardly ignore them. Minsk is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. First mentioned in chronicles in 1067, there is a certain list of Minsk sights that everyone is obligated to visit. First of all, this is the Trinity suburb in Minsk. The historical center of the old city with the buildings of past epochs preserved here is the pride of Minsk residents. The same applies to the Upper Town in Minsk, on the territory of which the Town Hall, the Holy Spirits Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and other ancient buildings are located. From a small platform of the Upper City, a wonderful view opens to the Lower City - to Nemiga and Pobediteley Avenue, a little to the side is the Rakovskoye suburb in Minsk - the oldest district of the capital. The city can be another unusual attraction - the National Library, without which it is hardly possible to imagine the panorama of Minsk. It is impossible not to mention the museums of Minsk, among which there are more and more new and modern ones that can captivate even the most sophisticated travelers. Walking along the narrow ornate streets of Troitsky suburb or the old streets in the city center, you imperceptibly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Minsk - ancient and modern at the same time. Be sure to visit our Opera House. I recommend the ballets of Rogned, The Nutcracker, the opera Nabuco. I really like the Russian Drama Theater. I especially love the performance of Ninochka. Arriving in Minsk for the weekend to relax, to shop, or just to get cheap cosmetology, as Russians like to visit us, I advise you to read the sites that will help you navigate our city, it is pleasant to relax in body and soul.
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