Выпишите из каждого глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The Stock Exchange computers have been programmed to detect and flag possible errors for immediate correction.
2. The client has just put a large sum of money on his current account.
3. By the end of the week the company will have got a loan from the bank to pay for the machines it is going to buy.
4. For more than fifty years our bank has been financing the firms located in the parts of the country having high levels of unemployment.


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


1. The Stock Exchange computers have been programmed to detect and flag possible errors for immediate correction.  -  Компьютеры биржи были запрограммированы на обнаружение и пометку возможных ошибок для немедленного исправления. (Present Perfect Passive)

2. The client has just put a large sum of money on his current account.  - Клиент только что положил крупную сумму денег на свой текущий счет. (Present Perfect Active)

3. By the end of the week the company will have got a loan from the bank to pay for the machines it is going to buy.  - К концу недели компания получит кредит от банка на оплату машин, которые она собирается купить. (Future Perfect and Present Continuous Active)

4. For more than fifty years our bank has been financing the firms located in the parts of the country having high levels of unemployment. - На протяжении более пятидесяти лет наш банк финансирует фирмы, расположенные в тех частях страны, которые имеют высокий уровень безработицы. (Present Perfect Continuous Active)


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