Помогите решить 2 задание (продолжение на 2 скриншоте



Ответ дал: nunny

3 а д а н и е 2. Заполните пропуски данными словами: after, call back, calling, hold the line, in, moment, reach, ring up, see, appointment, confirm, dialled, direčtory, extension, problems, pager, troubled

1. Hello, who's that calling?

2. Just a moment, please.

3. I'll see if she's here.

4. I'll get information you want; hold the line, please.

5. You asked me to ring up when I was in town again.

6. Sorry, he's not in at the moment.

7. You can reach him any evening after six o'clock.

8. Well, I can call back later if it's convenient.

9. Isn't that 155 4088? That's what I dialled, I think.

10. No, this is the wrong extension, I'll put you on to the switchboard.

11. Sorry to have troubled you.

12. He's not in the office at the moment. But I can try to find him on the pager.

13. I haven't got the new number. Shall I call directory inquiries?

14. Now I can confirm the arrangement we made.

15. There have been some problems lately, but I think we'll soon solve them.

16. Can we make another appointment for next week, then?

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