Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.

1. He (already/to see) that film.
2.He (to see) it when he was in London.
3. – When (you / to meet) Harry?
4. I (to meet) him the day before yesterday.
5. - ..... (you / to speak ) to him?
- Yes, I (to speak) to him before the party.
6. I (never/ to play) rugby in my life, but I (to play) foot- ball when I was at school.
7. I (to buy) the tape - recorderjust a week ago, on 12th of March.
8. ___ (you/ ever/ to see ) a giant butterfly?
9. In the afternoon I (to meet) him in the hotel and we (to go) to the beach.
10. The accident (te happen) ten years ago. ​


Ответ дал: maria0345


1. He has already seen

2. Saw

3. Did you meet


5 Have you spoken?


6. I Have never played, played


8. Have you ever seen

9. Met, went


Ответ дал: nunny

Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.

1. He (has already seen) that film.

2. He (saw) it when he was in London.

3.  When (did you meet) Harry?

4. I (met) him the day before yesterday.

5. Have (you spoken ) to him?  Yes, I (spoke) to him before the party.

6. I (have never played) rugby in my life, but I (played) foot-ball when I was at school.

7. I (bought) the tape - recorder just a week ago, on 12th of March.

8. Have (you ever seen) a giant butterfly?

9. In the afternoon I (met) him in the hotel and we (went) to the beach.

10. The accident (happened) ten years ago. ​

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