нужно на месте пропусков поставить слово , варианты ответов даны внизу.
Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees. It consists of water and sugar. Bees may
travel as (7)__as seventy-five thousand kilometers and visit over two million
flowers to produce just a kilo of honey. The colour and flavor of honey depends (8)___
the type of the flower visited. In fact, there are more than three hundred (9)___
of honey
In ancient times, honey was the main sweet food, as sugar was very (10)__
Honey was of great (11)___ to the ancient Egyptians, who used it as payment,
Today, honey is produced and eaten in (12)__ part of the world. Research suggests
that it prevents tiredness and improves athletic performance. However, honey is not
just food - it can be taking for sore throats and is used in many skin and hair-care
7.A To
B on
C for
D with
8. A varieties
B collections
C sets
D differences

9. A distant
B rare
C small
D slim

10.A cost
B price
C value
D charge

11. A all
B some
C most
D every​


Ответ дал: SANIORE


у тебя ошибка, тф перепутвл варианты, нет вариантов для 7-мого






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