Номер 1, срочно. Пожалуйста



Ответ дал: korunchyk


1. Fill in: encourage, experience, crowded, stunning, forecast, make, emergency, erupts, leftovers, attracts.

1. Acapulco is a popular tourist destination, so the beaches there are very crowded in the summer.

2. Driving the dune buggy was really exciting experience.

3. You should always check the weather forecast before you go camping.

4. Japan is famous for its stunning scenery.

5. We need to encourage people to care for the environment.

6. Campers must always take emergency equipment with them.

7. Cancun attracts lots of visitors every year.

8. We put the leftovers from our meal in the fridge for the next day.

9. If the volcano erupts, it will cost a lot of damage.

10. When you are abroad, try to make a good impression on the locals.

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