ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ: Нужно ВЫПИСАТЬ любые 3 предложения и составить их в вопрасительным форме и в отрицательной


masha777u: Помимо этого, нужно заполнять пропуски в самом тексте ?
mardzanabdullaeva: Нет , можно не делать, только в предложениях в которым ты напишешь в вопр и отрц


Ответ дал: masha777u


1. Rolls Royce dismissed him(Mortiboy) from his job as a technician when he began wearing spikes last June.

-Did Rolls Royce dismiss Mortiboy from his job as a technician when he began wearing spikes last June ?

-Rolls Royce didn't dismiss him from his job as a technician when he began wearing spikes last June.

2. Management warned Mortiboy several times that his appearance were not acceptable by company standards.

- Did Management warn Mortiboy several times that his appearance were not acceptable by company standards ?

- Management didn't warn Mortiboy several times that his appearance were not acceptable by company standards.

3. He(Mortiboy) added that the only problem he had was sleeping.

-Did he add that the only problem he had was sleeping?

-He didn’t add that the only problem he had was sleeping

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