Упражнение 1

Подберите к вопросам (1-10) ответы (a – j). Напишите предложения и перевод.

What do you do ?

What are you doing?

What films do you watch?

What film are you watching?

Are you working?

Do you work?

What languages does he speak?

What language is he speaking?

Are class 5C doing a test?

Do class 5C do tests?

I`m a teacher.

I`m cooking.

It`s called Harry Potter. It`s great!

Horror films, action films…. I like a lot of different films.

Yes, I do I work in a shop on Saturdays.

Not at the moment. I am relaxing.

French, German and Russian.

I think, it`s Italian.

Yes, every Friday.

Yes, shhhhhhh!​


Ответ дал: lucy80

1)What do you do ?

I'm a teacher.

2)What are you doing?

I`m cooking.

3)What films do you watch?

Horror films, action films…. I like a lot of different films.

4)What film are you watching?

It`s called Harry Potter. It`s great!

5)Are you working?

Not at the moment. I am relaxing.

6)Do you work?

Yes, I do I work in a shop on Saturdays.

7)What languages does he speak?

French, German and Russian.

8)What language is he speaking?

I think, it`s Italian.

9)Are class 5C doing a test?

Yes, shhhhhhh!

10)Do class 5C do tests?

Yes, every Friday.

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