Срочно помогите с артиклями!
Fill in articles where necessary.

1. She is ____ good-looking woman with ___ deal of ___ personal taste.

2. Martin was ___ tall man, well-built, with ___ grey hair and ___ pleasant manner.

3. ___ kitchen is equipped with all ___ latest appliances.

4. ___ village where my parents live is such ___ wonderful place.

5. We live on ___ seventh floor.

6. He is ___ truly good person.

7. Oh, what ___ fantastic house.

8. My mother gave me ___ list of things to do about ___ house which was ___ mile long.

9. You are ___ very special woman. I’ve never met anyone like you.

10 This is ___ most modern shopping centre in ___ world.

11. She looks very tired. She needs ___ holiday.

12. You can stay with us. There is ___ spare room in ___ house.

13. Where are you going to put __ furniture?

14. It was ___ good furniture.

15. He goes to ___bed early.


Ответ дал: council1975


1. She is __a__ good-looking woman with _a__ deal of ___ personal taste.

2. Martin was _a__ tall man, well-built, with ___ grey hair and _a__ pleasant manner.

3. _The__ kitchen is equipped with all _the__ latest appliances.

4. _The__ village where my parents live is such __a_ wonderful place.

5. We live on __the_ seventh floor.

6. He is _a__ truly good person.

7. Oh, what _a__ fantastic house.

8. My mother gave me _the__ list of things to do about _the__ house which was _a__ mile long.

9. You are __a_ very special woman. I’ve never met anyone like you.

10 This is _the__ most modern shopping centre in _the__ world.

11. She looks very tired. She needs __a_ holiday.

12. You can stay with us. There is __a_ spare room in the___ house.

13. Where are you going to put _the_ furniture?

14. It was __a_ good furniture.

15. He goes to ___bed early.


MaryFairy211: В 14 ошибка. Артикль не нужен
council1975: Да, ошибся.
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