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Ответ дал: nunny

Вариант 1

(Откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужную видо-времениую форму)

1. They are usually (sitting) for hours without saying a word.

2. Next week we (are signing) the contract.

3. What time (do you/get up) in the morning?

4. The children (are building) a sandcastle at the moment.

5. It (has been raining) since yesterday evening.

6. I (have not/seen) you for ages.

7. A lot of rain (fell) last week.

8. Has Jane (recovered) yet? - No, she is still in hospital.

9. I (began) to teach Max to ride a bike last year.

10. I (was having) dinner when the lights (went out).

1 1. James (was watching) television while Sally (was reading) a book.

12. He (had smoked) for 20 years before he finally (gave up) last year.

13. I had already (got off) the tram when it suddenly (started) moving.

14. She (had worked) at school for twenty years by 2001.

15. At eleven p. m tomorrow she (will be sleeping).

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